Medical professionals appreciate the significance of specialized metal products and the functions these metals provide in hospitals and medical research, particularly with regard to radiation shielding.
Metals cater to a range of requirements in medicine for diagnostic and treatment purposes – but the full range of applications for certain high-value metals applies to a number of specializations. Central to this is radiation shielding. Radiation shielding is of utmost importance across healthcare disciplines such as dentistry, veterinary science, and medical industries as well as research. The primary metals related to radiation shielding are lead and cadmium – The most frequently used is lead in various form including, brick, both flat and interlocking, lead sheet, blocks, tubes as well as cadmium sheet.
Cadmium metal is a metal that’s found naturally in the Earth’s crust. It is highly malleable and is rated 67 in abundance out of 90 naturally occurring elements. Cadmium readily absorbs neutrons and is used in the nuclear industry for neutron shielding and in the manufacture of control rods for nuclear reactors. A specific application of cadmium sheets, therefore, is for neutron radiation shielding. Industries where cadmium sheets are required range from medical research to nuclear power generation.

Contact Details:

Canada Metal North America
8271 Lafrenaie, Montreal,
Quebec , Canada
H1P 2B1
Phone No: 1 800 363-7110